Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Rain rain,
tears of rain,
joy and pain,
rain rain,
which to remember?

droplet droplet,
each of them,
one memory,
drop, drop,

Rain rain,
always together,
people people,

Sunday, April 29, 2007

yuuki part2

“Shoosh Shoosh…” The branches waving in the wind, Leaves floating in the air.
“Go away, go away,” they say.

The boy, alone, examined the quiet whispering.

“Shoosh Shoosh” “Go away go away,”

Then quietly, he opened his mouth, what words came out? Words? Is it words?

And then, he turned, head bowed, unsure of what to do.

“Shoosh Shoosh… come back come back…” The trees whispered.

The green-haired bishie shook his head, too far to hear them.

“Shoosh shoosh…”

“Wake up!”


“Wake up!”

Rei opened up her eyes and sat up immediately.

“Sa… Sakura? What happened?” The red head asked.

“You’ve overslept,” her pink haired friend pointed out. “The people are waiting for your prayers.”

“Oh right. I’ll get ready,” She threw off the blanket and placing the strange dream to the back of her head where she could examine later.


“Yuuki,” a willow tree whispered. The oldest tree of the forest. “Yuuki…”
“Yes… I am here,” the murky green eyed bishie sat on its root.

“It is time,”

“Time?” The boy puzzled.

“Time when emptiness fall, when trees die and every living thing live miserably,”

“You can feel?” he asked anxiously.

“Feel? No… feel no… sense. sense,”

“What must I do?” He asked quietly.

“The miko… prophecy says she meet you… help you,” the whispering became softer.

“What other else? What does the prophecy say?” The boy turned paler.

“Slowly… Do things slowly… now no understand… Go…”

“Where? Where do you want me to go?”

“The miko…”

“Rei? Miko?” Yuuki asked, vexed.

But the tree no longer answered his question. When that happened, he knew he could not pester the tree for more.

yuuki part 1

This story is about a boy introducing himself to a miko (priestess) after she caught him in the middle of the forest speaking to the trees. However, it did not turned out the way I hoped it to be. It’s quite peculiar and strange but I hope you like it.

“Hi! My name is Yuuki. Apparently, you’re thinking that I’m crazy because I’m speaking to myself in a very strange way. If not, I don’t think that you came all the way here to ask if I am okay. “A boy about fifteen spoke in a strange alien accent as though he is not fluent in Japanese.

Rei (miko): Hmmm…. It’s not just about you talking to yourself. The villagers”

“The villagers? You mean the mortals that live outside the woods? Those who came and cut the trees off here? The ones who detest me and called me a bad seed?” He flicked his long green hair out of his eyes. Those eyes have the colour a mixture of murky green and brown. They look innocent, sweet, unknowing of the world outside.

Rei nodded quietly. “Why?”

Yuuki looked at her, his eyes unreadable. “If I tell, can you trust me? If I tell, can you do one favour for me? And if I tell, can you keep it with not a single mortal or living being knowing?”

“I will do all that you ask.” Rei gave her word, a little intrigued by his words. “Isn’t he a little too trusting? Does he know I can kill him if I find that he could be a danger to the villagers? And yet… There’s something about this boy…”

“I trust you. So I should tell you all. The villagers…. They don’t like me because of my appearance. The green hair, the eyes, my pointy ears and the very pale skin are the ones that make them aware of me. My….coverings which is made of leaves and barks seem to be strange to them. To them, I’m an abandoned hanyou. “Serve him right,” I heard some of them say. When I was young, I didn’t know why the villagers treated me so badly. I asked them. They said...”

“Who did you asked?” Rei cut in.

“Them? Oh…. My… how do you call… ah… guardians, the trees.” The green head smiled as he gestured to his surroundings.

“Trees?” The miko looked at him blankly. “Your guardians?”

“Hai!” The boy nodded. “The trees are my guardians. The… um… my… parent. Is the one who gives birth to you called a parent? Yes? My parent’s a tree.”

“Na….Nani?” Rei’s eyes widened “Are you a youkai?”

His smile widened. “Hee hee… I knew you will ask that. But no. I don’t think so. In your terms, I am a plant. Just one that functions like a human being.”

Rei stared into his eyes. No… It was not his imagination or a lie. But it just defied all logic. A “boy” from a tree?

The evening darkens and the day turned into the night. Another surprise awaited the miko.

“You’re a girl!” The miko fell backwards from the log she was sitting on.

“Yes. I’m neither girl nor boy,” Yuuki smiled, her violet hair spouting like the violet flower at the top of her head. The rest just flowed down her shoulders. The body had turned from a broad form to a slender form. The eyes remained the same.

“Usually I am a boy by day and girl by night. But I can change to any gender I like. Trees do not have a gender too. When they bear fruit, they become um… female and after bearing the fruits, they become man. So does the changing of gender make it believable to you that I am a plant?”

Rei did not answer. This was too peculiar and strange.

“Have I answered your question? Is there more? Will you do what I ask now?” she looked down at the ground, blushing a little.

“Yes... For now. I need to think,” The miko nodded, allowing herself a faint smile to show that she would follow her word.

“So you’ll come back here?” Yuuki tilted her head.

“Yes…. So what do you want?”

“Can I… Can I have a hug? I never had one before. I saw the human beings do that to the little human beings.” The violet head flushed

Rei reached over and hug the girl warmly.

“Ar… Arigato!” Yuuki smiled. “It feels nice.”

Rei smiled and as she turned to go.

“Can I have one more when you come back here?”

She saw the girl looking that her with intrigued and hopeful eyes/

“Very well. But you’ll have to tell me more.”

“Hai!” The violet head nodded eagerly.

“Maybe that will explain the strange dead tree that I found in the middle of the forest” Rei thought as she stepped out of the forest and turned towards the village.

Friday, September 22, 2006

depressing frustrating week

Depressing, frustrating weeks

Much to their dismay, the exams are to come. The inevitable test to confirm their existence in the school next year. The teacher gave a bright reassuring smile with piles of notes and worksheets that were ever so encouraging. From the very time of intense studying and late night coffees, their time is to come the next few days.

Monday, a time to arrive in the fresh mood or with the Monday blues to school. Facing stern teachers who fire students down for not doing their homework, no matter how “valid” the excuses are. A little homework placed on the every desks while revision will be freshly gone through tonight.

Tuesday, the time to come with a little fresher look than normal. Books carried to school are ready to be tackled and attacked. However, a little later, the pile of homework gone a little higher and revision is on tonight.

Wednesday, a happy moment to know that the school ends early but boring classes rips the enthusiasm. Another late night of revision.

Thursday, a thin smile on the face and the ever thinning optimism, tackled the day with fiery tempers and multiple coffees. Glaring at teachers who ask questions where nobody can answer. The predictable headache coming up now and then. The midnight oil burns as the slogging through notes begins.

Friday, armed with little books and black eyes with the final strength of the spirit to complete the school week and back to the comfy beds where sleep is called the luxury of exam periods.


Monday, September 18, 2006

important oneself

He looked down at his shoes from the top of the building,

And then, he looked down at the tiny people below him.

They were minding their own business,

Nobody cared about him anyway.

He thought of the people in school;

He saw them leering at his popularity.

He turned to his parents;

None of them understand anyway.

He looked at the great height below,

Then he heard someone cry.

Beside him, it was a young girl;

Or it seems to be with the dress she is wearing.

The features were deformed,

So it was kind of hard to tell.

The bruises on her arms;

Who caused that?

The girl looked down;

Is she going to jump too?
It seemed to be.

But she didn’t.

Instead, she turned away;

Her tears dries, her face straight,

She walked away from the edge.

He heard her mutter,” I am not going to let them get rid of me easily,”

And then, she was gone.

The boy looked down;

His depression no longer there;

He turned away and walked to the lift,

“There are people worse than me,” he said

“I am not going to get rid of myself easily. If she can do it, so can I.”

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kadarl and Volden 2: smoochies in accident

Just as Kadarl burned a hole in one of the eys due to intensive staring, Volden came into the cafeteria and sat right in front of him.

"Morning Kad-chan," came a cheerful and slightly shy greeting.

"Morning"...uh-oh..... mumble...

"Neh, about last night.." (Kadarl:Why did that blush seem so cute?) Volden looked away.

Wait a minute..... Did I just said he looked cute?NOOOoooooo....

"Heh, sorry. Gents!" Kadarl took off in less than a second. Volden could have sworn to see a pile of dust sweeping up from his feet. That was fast.

In the Gents......

Kadarl leaned against the wall of the toilet. "Okay Kadarl, don't panic, it's just a passing fancy," he muttered.

"Passing fancy? hahaha.... Right," sneered a little voice in his mind.

"You stay out of this!" Then a little light came to him.

The true thing was that he had dated many girls and that he just did not had feelings for them. Maybe, his love life should be the other way around. He knew he had feelings for Volden, why can't he accept it?

Just then, Volden came into the toilet. Kadarl knocked his head against the wall.
Why of all times must Volden choose to chose to see him now!

And he just lost his virginity last night.....

Sudden images of last night's "passion" came to him.

"Sigh..." Kadarl knocked his head aginst the wall.

Volden who deicided not to see Kadarl whom he has affections for to suffer, came towards him.


"Stop trying to......"

"Take one step closer....."

"Whoops!" Volden slipped on the slippery floor towards the horrified and stunned Kandarl.

Well, It was definitely not a step. Nope.

It was more like a body..... On top of Kandarl. Volden's lips against his.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHH......" rang the cry which echped through the building.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Kadarl and Volden

"Ok.... just keep clam about it. Don't think about what happen last night. Don't think those people staring at you know what you have done last night... just don't," Kadarl pleaded with himself as he stared down at his breakfast.

A breakfast with two sunny side up eggs for it's eyes and a sausage for it's mouth did not do anything of getting him to eat after what happened last night.

Kendarl had found himself waking up early this morning, naked, in a very unfamiliar room. The weirdest thing was that he was sleeping beside Volden. Then he felt a little pain in his sacred entrance.

Later on, as he staggered to the toilet, he remembered being drunk last night. That probably explained that headache he had. After getting drunk, he remembered nothing else.